August 25 – 31, 2023Vol. 25, No. 11

Getting Back to “Normal”

by Dick Greenan

Well, this is our final Dams Keeper Report for the season. Whoever said, “Summer in Maine is nothing but two weeks of bad sledding,” wasn’t too far off the mark! It seems like summer should be getting longer with all of that global warming but here we are regardless — once again!

We are still recovering from the deluge two weeks ago, but all is finally getting back to whatever covers for “normal” nowadays! As of this writing, Great Pond has fortunately come down to just 1.8″ above full pond with its primary gate opened 3′. Long Pond’s Wings Mill Dam is currently at 5.4″ below full, but upper Long Pond is, as of this morning, 4″ ABOVE full. So, you can appreciate how long it takes to move these flooding waters downstream with so many choke points, such as Castle Island and Spaulding Bridge in its path. Salmon/McGrath is still in good shape right at 0.84″ above full. And our neighbors on Messalonskee are right at 4.08″ below full, which is great considering all of the water that has been sent their way.

The 2023-24 Fall/Winter Lake Drawdown calls for Great and Long Ponds to be drawn down to 1.5′ – 2.0′ and Salmon down to 1.0′ – 1.5′ by November 1. Weather permitting, the drawdowns usually begins after the October 15 weekend to give everyone time to take that last boat ride of the season!

Enjoy what’s left of the Summer of 2023 and your vacation! I hope it’s been a memorable one. It has been for us. Thank you and see you next summer!

Dick Greenan is chairman of the Belgrade Lakes Watershed Dams Committee. He submitted this report on August 17, 2023.

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